Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 11 (wait what?)

Wow...  I just realized how long it's been since my last post.

In the midst of all those double speed lectures it feels like my life is on double speed.  oh well...  Today we start the Respiratory Module of our last block.  We finished with Cardiovascular yesterday, and I was sad to see it go.  Really enjoyed the Heart.  It's not like its the last I've seen of it though.  oh no.  plenty of studying to do, not counting the time we go over it again in semester 3.

I'm trying to think of interesting things to write about, but honestly my life is pretty dull.  Lecture every day, Radiology and/or anatomy on tuesdays and thursdays.  PBL on Fridays.

Church on sundays.  RCF is amazing.  I love churches like this, we all come from different places, we definitely don't agree on everything, sometimes not on much of anything, but somehow everybody cares about and supports each other.  The worship is contemporary, and it's an escape to spend time with God.  I've been bad about setting time aside during the week... It seems that I get caught up in the struggle to stay on top of the material and forget the more important things at times.

Other things on the island are great.  It continues to amaze me how much of the grass here is mowed with weed eaters... no matter what, there's always someone somewhere that you can hear buzzing away as you walk around outside.   (Someday I'll add pictures here...)

Looking forward to christmas break and coming home for a couple weeks.

I gotta go now, Dr Shams is starting in on Respiratory Physiology, and to better I pay attention, the easier to decipher the notes later.

God Bless....
