Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Semester 5 Miami

So this quiet little blog is borderline decrepit and abandoned, but just in case its on anyone's RSS feeds I'll share a little bit...

Since I last wrote, (over a year ago) I've finished my time in the Caribbean, gotten engaged, and now I'm in Miami for the fifth semester AICM program.  That stands for Advanced Introduction to Clinical Medicine in case anyone was wondering.

So life is good.  And busy, mostly busy.
I've been rotating with a Urologist twice a week.  Very interesting field, but staring at genitalia is not my dream job.  (with apologies to those who love it.)  Miami is an interesting place, busy and the drivers make me praise the Lord above when I make to bed at night and I'm still alive.

Honestly life is both exciting and boring... and still exciting.  the work is a little boring, but the goals and the future are exciting.  I can see the goal line, now its time to sprint!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see an update on here! :) Congratulations on your wedding!
