Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dominica, here I am...

So I had written this large post with details of the entire trip down here and for some reason when I let someone make an internet call it all went away... lol  so I'll spare you.  good trip down,  enjoyed San Juan.  seeing the standard US highway signs with spanish on them is a trip.

Dominica is amazing.  the locals are incredibly friendly!  Friday we went out for seafood.  spend 100 EC dollars on a lobster dinner with drinks.  thats about 40 US for 2 people to eat very well!  so good prices.

We're staying at the Comfortel de Champ.  It's this cool hotel at the top of the hill.  Amazing view!  however, I would definitely hate to stay here during school.  It's a huge hill to walk up :D.  Good exercise.

Saturday morning we rode down to Roseau on the bus that Ross U. provides every weekend.  Cool little town.  (to the shoppers out there, you would love it) tons of market space on the streets and even more little shops.  Some cool old buildings that I'm sure have been around since the British Colony days.  We browsed the IGA, found a card reader for my camera, (thought I was stuck without it), ate some amazing chinese food (apparently foreigners on this island are supposed to survive on chinese food and fried chicken), and ended up at a coffee shop called rituals.  Professional as any starbucks back home, they made us some very good blended iced coffees.   Saturday afternoon we walked around the campus after we got back, went and ate some KFC!!!!  and were headed back to the hotel when we were blessed with what I later found out was the edge of Tropical Storm (or is it hurricane by now?) Irene.  Supper was hamburgers on the deck.  so-so food.

Today (that would be sunday), we went to Ross Christian Fellowship in the morning.  It's a wonderful group of saints, supporting each other as best they can during their time here at Ross.  I met 3 different Professors at church and a really amazing guy who is dedicated to Mission medicine and brought his cool family down with him!  We headed out after lunch to meet them for snorkeling but most of them were already heading back in.  It seems the storm made to water too murky to bother with.  Dad and I went out for about an hour but it was mostly worthless.  The water was fantastic though!  We ate lunch at KFC again.  I think I like that place.  Made reservations to dive a reef tomorrow afternoon.  And ate supper at the HONG KONG chinese restaurant.  :D

So that was my weekend.  Some Internet phone calls mixed in... some other stuff...

Tomorrow starts with a campus tour.  Hope to get a bank account set up, and maybe buy a local cell phone.  We'll see.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  God is Good, All the Time!

In Christ,


Ps. I don't know how to put pictures on here yet but I'll figure it out when I get a chance.  Maybe tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. hey, Colin!
    this blog is great- a fun way to share in your experiences! God bless you and your adventures! Would love to see pictures please!!! :D
